Welcome to Agadak Tech. - home of Mardak's TDZK scripts.

Agadak Tech.Mardak

All Raiding Death Simulator for TDZK 2.7
Use this for all your raiding needs! Ports planets!

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All Raiding Death Simulator for TDZK 2.7 Preview
Alliance Sum
A simple script from long ago.. Want to keep track of how much money people have been depositing to the alliance? Just paste a portion or the whole transfer history.

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Alliance Sum Preview
Alliance Tags
Want to see all the tags of an alliance together on one screen? Just click the alliance tags up top which are scaled based on how many members it has!

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Alliance Tags Preview
Tick tock tick tock. Let's have some fun when the clock hits :07.
Tick tock tick tock...

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Clock? Preview
Get Chief!
Kill Master Chief! That is all.
Train your reaction speed for examine/attack.
Southern Hemisphere Mirror

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Get Chief! Preview
Item Finder for TDZK 2.8
Not sure which stations has what? Which stations can you actually dock at? Wonder no more! It's all here with a pretty interface. :)

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Item Finder for TDZK 2.8 Preview
Kill Rankings
Sort kill rankings by total number of kills, kill average, total level of kills, or EdRank which tries to identify the "best" hunter with good kill average and kill numbers.

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Kill Rankings Preview
Notice Tagger
Tired of trying to figure out which notices are related and which alliance is killing whom?! Here's a script for you! (Mardak is not responsible if players show up in the wrong alliance! ;))

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Notice Tagger Preview
Online Player Counter
Use this script to see how many people of each alliance are online right now. It does its best to group alliances with similar names to make counting easier.

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Online Player Counter Preview
Planet Goods
A script from TDZK 2.0. Use this for an easy way to figure out how much your planet is making.

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Planet Goods Preview
Planet Price Calculator
A very basic planet price calculator that also works great for checking planet ratings.

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Planet Price Calculator Preview
Random Tag Generator
An amusing script that randomly puts alliance and player tags together.
Refresh for more fun! It's even faster than before! :)

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Random Tag Generator Preview
Script Index
What a useful page this is! It lists all the scripts available for you to use. :) Oh wait.. you're here already.

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Script Index Preview
Shopping Path Generator for TDZK 2.8
Let's go shopping! Don't waste time trying to figure out where to buy stuff. Just select the items you want and look at the results. :)

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Shopping Path Generator for TDZK 2.8 Preview
Station List for TDZK 2.8
Plain and simple.
Station List.
Click for colors!

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Station List for TDZK 2.8 Preview
Trade Calc
Figure out exactly how much you can make before you trade! Optimize for exp or money or both!

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Trade Calc Preview
Wemmysim - Combat Sim for TDZK 2.8
Yay for wemmy! Everyone knows Lemmy > Mardak! :) Use his combat sim and kill each other.. without killing each other! Exciting!

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Wemmysim - Combat Sim for TDZK 2.8 Preview
ZZcalc - Ship Calc for TDZK 2.8
The original ship calc made by Madox and updated by ZmaniacZ

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ZZcalc - Ship Calc for TDZK 2.8 Preview
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